Woodside trash services are provided by the City of Aiken Utilities Department in conjunction with your water services.
Regular garbage pick-up is each week on Wednesday. Your containers may be placed at your curb after 5 PM each Tuesday and are required to be brought in from the curb no later than 5 PM on the day of pick-up.
Please help us provide efficient service by following the below guidelines:
- Have roll carts at the edge of the street, ready for pickup, by 7:00 a.m.
- Roll carts are to be placed at the edge of the street with the handle facing the resident’s home. When positioned correctly it will be natural to open the lid from the street and not from the yard.
- Keep at least 3 feet of clearance between your roll cart and any other item(s) including additional roll carts.
- Please remove containers from the edge of the street within 24 hours of pickup.
- If residents have more garbage than will fit into the roll cart, it must be bagged and placed beside the roll cart on the street. Residents who consistently have bags outside the roll cart will be required to purchase an additional roll cart(s).

Trash and household waste are collected in City-provided containers. The City of Aiken offers a special collection service for the removal of some items that either do not belong in a rolling cart or that will not fit in a rolling cart. Examples of items that do not belong in a roll cart: are chemicals, car batteries, televisions, computer monitors, cell phones, medical waste, prescription drugs, large metal items, boat motors, grills, paint, etc.
The City of Aiken strives to provide solutions should you experience issues or complications with our services. Please contact us at 803-642-7613 if you need additional assistance or clarification.
Yard Debris
If you, as a resident accumulate any yard debris, you may place this at your curb with your regular pick up each week. Please see below for the City of Aiken guidelines.
Residential yard trash is defined as the collection of vegetative materials from residential property. This type of trash may include, but is not limited to, trimmings, tree branches, pine straw, leaves, and grass clippings. These items, created through normal residential property maintenance, may be put out for pickup.
Keep in mind, that yard debris cannot go to the curb until the evening before pick-up.
- It shall be unlawful to place yard trash on, or within three feet of, the water meter, fire hydrant, or any other obstacle.
- Yard trash piles are limited to one pile per property.
- Yard trash piles cannot be placed under utility lines or tree limbs with less than twenty feet of overhead clearance.
- Where utility lines, tree limbs, road configuration, or any other safety concern makes it impracticable to locate the yard trash pile either on owners’ or tenants’ property or directly in front of and on the same side of the street as owners’ or tenants’ property, at the public services director’s discretion, the City of Aiken may identify an alternate location. Such alternate locations may include but are not limited to community piles with neighboring property owners.
- The maximum length of a yard trash pile is twelve feet.
- During leaf season yard trash piles, consisting of predominate leaves, may exceed the twelve-foot maximum length.
- The public services director, or his department designee, will determine when leaf season begins and ends each year.
- Following a recognized weather event or natural disaster, at the Public Services Director’s discretion, the city may allow for oversized piles with no additional charges.
- All limbs or other vegetative debris must be cut in lengths of six feet or less.
- Trees cut by a contractor must be removed by the contractor.
Please contact the Public Services Department at 803-642-7613 with any questions.
The City of Aiken is on a bi-weekly recycling schedule. Every other week you may place your recycle container at your curb with your regular pick-up. Please see the calendar below for the Woodside recycling schedule.
Every blue Wednesday is a recycling day for Woodside.
For more recycling information visit the City of Aiken Recycle page HERE.

Holiday Collection Schedule
Typically, if a holiday or office closing falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, garbage, recycling & yard debris collection will be delayed by one day starting with the day of the holiday. If a holiday falls on Friday, there is no change in service. Please contact: 803-642-7613 if you have questions or would like additional information regarding the Holiday Collection Schedule.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- Day After Christmas
Drop Off Sites
Aiken County provides many convenient drop-off sites for household-generated garbage, recyclables, and yard debris. For e-waste, you will need to use either the New Ellenton, Langley, Belvedere, or Reynolds Pond Rd. Drop-off site. These residential use-only sites are free to Aiken County residents and are open as scheduled except for Sundays and the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Please consult their website for operation hours and additional information about these sites before using one of their facilities.
Special Collection Services
Furniture, including but not limited to, box springs, chairs, tables, white goods (i.e. appliances) and metal goods shall be considered a special collection. These special collections must be scheduled with the public services department. Special collection fees shall be added to the monthly city water bill.
The cost to pick up unscheduled special collections shall be double the normal special collection fee.
Please call 803-642-7613 to arrange for these special collections. The City of Aiken strives to provide solutions should you experience issues or complications with our services. Please contact us if you need additional assistance or clarification.