Woodside Plantation’s Sidewalk Improvement Plan

Sidewalks in Woodside Plantation total over 55,392 linear feet or about 10.5 miles in length. A chart was prepared listing the location, length, width, condition and replacement cost. Each year all of the sidewalks are inspected and evaluated. The sidewalk condition survey data is entered into a computer with a spreadsheet format in a fashion that the data can be withdrawn in various forms. Attached hereto is a sidewalk listing in a yearly format based on needed maintenance priority. In general the existing various width asphalt sidewalks are being replaced with 6 foot wide concrete sidewalks.The sidewalk evaluation establishes a preferred order of replacement for the sidewalks in Woodside Plantation. Overall condition, walking quality, volume of traffic, construction date, possible structural deficiencies, drainage, surface type, safety and several other factors are considered. A summary of sidewalk improvement recommendations has been completed and outlined in this chart. The attached list proposes a thirty-year plan to improve the condition of our sidewalks.

Woodside Plantation’s Roadway Improvement Plan

Woodside Plantation has 150 roadways totaling 41 miles in length. A chart was prepared listing the roadway name, length, width and improvement cost. We evaluated the use of milling and 2” overlay and a percentage of base repair determined by the condition of the road. The road condition survey data was entered into a computer with a spreadsheet format in a fashion that the data can be withdrawn in various forms. Attached hereto is a roadway listing in a yearly format based on needed maintenance priority. The pavement evaluation establishes a preferred order of repair for the roadways in Woodside Plantation. Overall condition, ride quality, volume of traffic, construction date, possible structural deficiencies, drainage, surface type, road safety and several other factors are considered. A summary of roadway improvements recommendations has been completed and outlined in this report. The attached list proposes a twenty-year plan to improve the condition of our streets.


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