Decals are the primary source of entry for most Woodside residents, many of our guests, club members, and vendors. Barcodes are an optional convenience available to anyone who obtains a decal. Barcodes allow you to use the automated lane at each of our gates.

Below are the guidelines and requirements to obtain a Woodside Decal.

Decals, while efficient, are not mandatory for entry. 



To update your Woodside Resident decal, you must bring your current, up-to-date vehicle registration to the POA office. Decals cannot be mailed. If you traded in a vehicle or your decal was damaged during a windshield replacement, then you must additionally bring in the old decal, even if it is in pieces upon removal. Without return of the old decal, there is a $25.00 fee for replacement. An optional barcode can be issued in addition to your decal. Property owners are issued two free barcodes per property. There will be a $10.00 fee for any additional barcodes.

Tenant decals are issued with current, up-to-date registration and a $50.00 (per decal) refundable deposit. The deposit is refundable upon return of each issued decal within 60 days of move out. Optional barcodes are available with a $25.00 NON-refundable fee per vehicle. The POA office accepts cash, check, and credit cards with a small fee.

Regular decal renewal takes place every other year beginning April 1st and ending May 31st. You are not required to return the old decal during the regular renewal period, but will be required to bring in your current, up-to-date registration. Any installed barcodes will remain active when your decal is renewed in the renewal period. There is no fee for renewal.


Annual Guest decals are issued with sponsorship by a Woodside Property Owner to frequently visiting friends and family. There are forms required to be signed by both the Property Owner and the Guest obtaining the decal. Annual Guest decals may not be obtained for vendors. (see Vendor section) Forms can be obtained at the POA office or printed HERE.

There is a $65.00 fee per Guest decal. Guest must either accompany the sponsor or come in after the sponsor has completed required forms, with their current, up-to-date vehicle registration. Guest decals are valid from August to August and must be renewed yearly for continued access. Guest may purchase an optional barcode for a $25.00 fee.


Vendor decals are issued with a current City of Aiken Business License and a current, up to date vehicle registration. Vendors must come to the POA office to obtain decals. VENDORS ARE NOT ALLOWED THROUGH THE MAIN GATE WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE POA.
Cost for Vendor Decals varies based on vehicle size.
  • Small-4 tires- $135.00 for the year.
  • Medium-6-8 tires- $195.00 for the year.
  • Large- 10+ tires- $440.00 for the year.
Vendor decals are valid January to January and must be renewed yearly for continued access.

Vendors with decals may purchase an optional barcode for a $25.00 fee.

Any installed barcodes will remain active when your decal is renewed in the renewal period.


Club decals are obtained from the clubs. Club decals are valid from July to July and must be renewed yearly for continued access. WOODSIDE PROPERTY OWNERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN CLUB DECALS. CLUB DECALS ARE ISSUED TO NON-RESIDENT CLUB MEMBERS ONLY.


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